first one of my out school career, so i think its a celebatory kind of day.. but every friday should be treated this way. (: i am super excited for this weekend. big plans ahead: sleeping late, having an adventure, loungin' with the kitties, and charlie.. ahh makes me giddy. my fingers are crossed for pleasurable weather.
igor & eva stirred up a bit of trouble this week. we spotted fleas on one, and sure enough two more popped up on the other. i was frantic.. even having nightmares. fleas skeeve me out. parasitic nasty beings. i had visions of our apartment being infested and waking up covered. luckily, it hasn't been that bad. i had stashed an extra flea repellent in the cat cupboard and split it between the two. they were quite upset about their oily fur, and managed to lick it off for one another. we ended up buying a natural chemistry, product that claimed to kill fleas on contact. it worked! wretched smell, great results. they finally stopped itching. we bought more flea and tick repellent that kills the larvae and stuck that on them this morning before work.
i've been feeling really good about things lately. i'm super happy with charlie.. he's always looking for ways to make me happy. even if its tackling me and tickling me so i can hardly breathe. i look forward to going home everyday and wrapping around him. things are working out for us, which is a nice turn around. last year had some huge bumps in the road.. and we've been working at paving them out. moving into our own place was definitely the right move. it's comforting to know its just the two of us, we can waltz around in our underwear or play music, cook at 3 in the morning and just live contently. sometimes, sharing space with others and your significant other is too challenging. you're always working around someone else's schedule, can't cook in the kitchen when you want, wake to the shower or morning bustle when you don't have to be up for another 45 minutes.. etc. its also nice to know i have someone to rely on. advice, or support, anything i need, i know i can talk to him about it. we take care of each other.
i want to do something extra special this weekend. as of next week, he'll be starting up school for his final year at school. i want to soak up the last bit of summer that we can. maybe petal boating, or a picnic. i got a stellar deal on a picnic basket at a yard sale a few weeks back.. maybe yard sale-ing is in the cards. who knows, but you can bet your money we'll be laughing most of the time (:
until later..
HAHA dreams about being covered in fleas!! Is that why you were scratching your arms and legs for a couple minutes non stop untill i asked why you were itching yourself so much. Your answer? i'm just really hot. haha not exactly wat i asked but i bet u were sleeping while itching yourself ya weird!