Tuesday, August 17, 2010


it's been a few days.. or a week. quite a bit has been going on in this nook of mine.

eva's doing great.  i can see her getting bigger and bigger even though she's still a peanut.  she's learned to play hide and go seek/tag with me.  the first time i tried it, i could see it being frightening to someone 5.5 inches off the ground. but then it was she who was seeking me out.  it all started when charlie had stepped outside and i had her to myself. i decided to dart behind the bedroom door and then poke my head out and growl imgonnagetchu. she loved it.  she would snake her way from behind her climbing posts, couch, kitchen table, etc until she was pouncing distance from where i was 'hiding'.  when i saw her get close, i'd leap out and she'd flash across the apartment. this goes on until i get tired. she's always rearing to go.  besides coming home to charlie after work, its the best part of my day. (:

that's right. i'm coming home from work.  this is because i have a job.  it's temporary but pays pretty darn well for the time being.  can't argue with that.  i'm a little bummed that it involves so much traveling, but at least we'll have the weekends.. and i'm officially free when the snow will arrive.  i have compiled a list of things i want to get done with this income.. fix our analog canon, buy a new snow riding device, blow up a few prints from our photography course last spring and of course by lots of food for the recipes i'll be making after i purchase the joy of cooking.  i cannot wait.  it will be glorious. of course i'll skip over the really eggy or gross unappetizing ones.  i'll be sure to share the dairy recipes with the kitties.

kitties. yes. another big catch up on.. the girl upstairs moved to utah and left her cat.  his name was colby.  we've been calling him igor. he's all black with brown eyes.  eva's in love with her igor.  she pins him down and cleans his face.  she pins him down and then wrestles him too.  she's teeny in comparison.  we're not sure how old he is.  we're guessing 5-6 months or so.  he's taking his time warming up to us but he loves boxes.  he'll curl up in the toy box and zonk out for a few hours.  he's a good igor.  he too, loves milk.  good thing we checked with the vet and got the green light for giving it to them.

hmm.. a peak into my love nook?  my boyfriend is amazing.  simply the best stuff on earth, sorry snapple.  i came home today and he got me orange juice.  this is a big deal.  i live for orange juice.  i'll drink it with breakfast, lunch and dinner.  it even satisfies my snack cravings.  and there it was, waiting for me in the fridgerator.  and there wasn't a 'did you notice what i did for you' kind of comment.  instead he waited until i noticed.. it made it that much better.  he loves me.  i hope he knows i love him back.  i dooooOooo (:

tah tah.

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